#Alfonso Lora
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pressnet · 2 years ago
Recital Autores con Alfonso Lora. Sala El Cachorro 05/03/2023
Actuación de Rafael Ángel Fernández Gutiérrez, periodista y poeta Improvisación poética
En YouTube: https://youtu.be/IrWXzVDVBCA
En Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CpdNuz_DzbK/
En TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@periodistamovil/video/7207501169806036229
En Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/1131565039/videos/603071551344209/
En Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/81979655709041146/
En Anchor: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/P130b9MeXxb
© Rafael Ángel Fernández Gutiérrez https://www.rafaelangel.es https://www.agenciacomunicacion.com https://www.periodista.be https://www.periodista-digital.com
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amalgamatedalcove · 5 months ago
Murlough tree by Alfonso Salgueiro Lora Via Flickr: Murlough bay tree at sunrise. I had a completely clear sky that Summer's morning, quite atypical of Ireland but nonetheless really beautiful. Prints, workshops and more Website ⎢Facebook ⎢Bēhance
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lakelandg · 9 months ago
SEU Baseball Earns Trip To World Series
Eight extra-base hits, plus six Fire pitchers, helped Southeastern sweep through the Lincoln bracket, earning their way to an NAIA World Series bid in Lewiston, Idaho after defeating USAO for the second time this week, this time by a score of 11-2. The Fire stayed true to their scoring ways, putting up two in the first inning, to the beat of a pair of RBI doubles from Gary Lora and Alfonso…
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fritz-letsch · 1 year ago
Jazz + Weltmusik befreien und versöhnen
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Sie nennen es Kritische Hoffnung: So viel leere Hoffnung wurde uns von den Religionen verabreicht, um uns ruhig zu stellen und zu Gebeten anzuleiten, aber es braucht reale Begegnungen und Zusammenarbeit, um die Verhältnisse zu ändern: Viele ReGierungen sind im Drogen- und Waffenhandel, in Handelskriegen um Rohstoffe, und Land und uns. Hinter dieser Musik steht die Erfahrung von Umsiedlungen, Rassenkrieg und Versöhnungsarbeit in den Communities, Nachbarschaften, Quartieren ... Critical: Hope. Weltpremiere.
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Malcolm Jiyane (piano/trombone) aus Johannesburg, Asher Gamedze (piano, drums) aus Kapstadt, Simon-Mary Vincent (piano) aus Budapest am 27.01.2024 – 20 Uhr im Theater im Fraunhofer in München! Diese von der Sophiatown Arts Akademy, dem Sophiatown Arts Festival, dem Haus Steingraeber und der Universität Bayreuth ermöglichte Künstler:innen-Begegnung bringt Ausnahmemusiker:innen des Jazz und der politischen Gegenwartsmusik zusammen. Hingehen! Berauscht sein! Denken, handeln! Ein vielsprachiges Event gegen die Misere der Gegenwart, kuratiert von @SophiatownArtsAkademy Johannesburg. Im Rahmen ihrer Artist Residency haben sich die Künstler:innen mit dem Thema “Critical: Hope!” auseinandergesetzt: Hoffnung, verstanden nicht als naiver Wunsch, sondern als politische Analyse von Gegenwart und radikal gerechter Zukunftsentwurf. “The here and now is a prison house. We must strive, in the face of the here and now’s totalising rendering of reality, to think and feel a then and there.” José Esteban Muñoz, Cruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer Futurity Hingehen! Berauscht sein! Denken, handeln! Ein vielsprachiges Event gegen die Misere der Gegenwart, kuratiert von @SophiatownArtsAkademy Johannesburg. Kritische Hoffnung https://fairmuenchen.eineweltnetz.org/?p=20696220&preview=true Universum hieß es früher, nun denken wir in der globalen Welt weiter, was auch vor der Kolonialisierung an anderen Denkweisen und Kulturen, Gemeinschafts-Ordnungen und Religionen existierte, was Anthropologen wie David Graeber und David Wengrow in Anfänge beschreiben  
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Wissenschaftsjournalist Wolfgang Chr. Goede berichtet im Gespräch mit Lora-Moderator Fritz Letsch aus seinem pluriversalen Leben in Kolumbien. WO sich Global-Nord und Global-Süd überlagern, von schnellsten Internets und virtueller Wirtschaft bis zu Garcia Marquez magischem Realismus und dem, in Stadt und Land, anzutreffenden Zauber und Hexenglauben. WIE entstand in den indigenen Gesellschaften Lateinamerikas der Pluriversalismus – Einheit von materieller Welt und Natur als ein Lebewesen? WAS ist das daraus erwachsende „Gute Leben“-Prinzip? WARUM ist es heute im Zuge der Dekolonisierung wieder aktuell? WORIN verbinden sich Pluriversalismus mit der modernen Astrophysik von Quantenwelt und Multiversum? WO begegnen sich Global Nord/Euro-Zentrismus und Global Süd – WIE könnten Brücken aussehen? Aktuelles Beispiel ist, wie Kogi Indigene aus der karibischen Bergwelt Kolumbiens den Schweizer Umweltschutz und Politik beim Naturmanagement und Renaturierung der Rhône beraten. Text, Link, Video aus der Pressemitteilung (französisch) » „Als Hüter des Wissens der Vorfahren pflegen diese Menschen eine Verbindung zur Natur, die sie als Lebewesen betrachten. Das Verständnis der Dynamik unseres Territoriums ist für dessen Erhaltung und Widerstandsfähigkeit von wesentlicher Bedeutung.“ https://www.lemanbleu.ch/fr/Actualites/Geneve/Une-delegation-kogi-ouvre-le-dialogue-sur-notre-gestion-du-territoire.html: Diese Woche durchquerte eine Delegation der Kogi, eines indigenen kolumbianischen Volkes, die Rhône von ihrer Quelle bis nach Genf. Ziel ihres Besuchs ist es, einen Dialog über unsere Bewirtschaftung des Territoriums und der natürlichen Ressourcen zu eröffnen. Sie wurden heute nachmittag im Palais Eynard empfangen. Der Dialog zwischen dem Volk der Kogi und der Stadt Genf ist eröffnet. Heute Nachmittag empfing Bürgermeister Alfonso Gomez eine Kogi-Delegation im Palais Eynard. Ihr Gouverneur, Arregoces Conchakala, konnte ihre Empfehlung nach einer Woche entlang der Rhône übermitteln. Die Magie der Szene Ein Bild einer Situation aufzustellen, gibt neue Bedeutung und Deutung: Die Magie der Szene kennt jede Bühne in aller Welt: Einen Raum als besonderen besetzen, an dem sich besonderes ereignet, aus der Gegenwart gerissen, als Erzählung alter Zeit oder Probe auf die Wirklichkeit Die Magie der Szene besteht zumindest aus Abstand, Richtung und Haltung der Personen zu einander, oft entsteht in den stellvertretenden Personen sogar ein Satz, der in den Ursprungs-Verhältnissen geläufig war. Jede wiederholbare Aufstellung einer Szene bewirkt im Publikum eine Erinnerung an eigenes Erleben: Solche Szenen in Familie, Schule, Beruf, Betrieb und Einrichtung, in Filmen und anderen Aufstellungen und Theater-Erlebnissen: „Michel Foucault hat die These geprägt, dass nach dem Niedergang einer starken Idee der Geschichte, der „großen Obsession des 19. Jahrhunderts“, „die aktuelle Epoche eher die Epoche des Raumes“ wäre (Foucault 1990, 34). … Wenn sich, wie Foucault nahe legt, zentrale Konflikte der Sozial- und Kulturphilosophie „zwischen den anhänglichen Nachfahren der Zeit und den hartnäckigen Bewohnern des Raumes abspielen“ (Foucault 1990, 34), https://www.academia.edu/10099208/Der_geffnete_Raum_Zur_Politik_der_sthetischen_Form Bewegung im Raum, statt Besitz des Raumes Die Oligarchen des Kapitals zeigen uns, wo sie ihre Zukunft sehen: Außerhalb der Staaten, zwischen den Häfen der Meere und den Flughäfen der Metropolen, auf Luxus-Yachten und in Privatjets, … umgeben von den alten Werken der Kunst, die auf den Märkten zugeliefert werden. **KUNST IST MAGIE, BEFREIT VON DER LÜGE, WAHRHEIT ZU SEIN - T.W ADORNO** Magicversa: Die Welten der Kräfte und Magie in den Kulturen und Regionen der Welt, alles in Schwingungen der Farben, Kunst, Musik und Theater: Zauber im Pluriversum der Kulturen! Heilsame Orte finden
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Alles, was bisher als heilig und gemeinschaftlich, als heilsam und öffentlich galt, hat Spuren von einem tieferen Bewusstsein, das uns oft nicht mehr leicht zugänglich ist. Geomantie, das Wissen um die gesunden und kräftigen Orte, um die beste Anordnung von Häusern, Einrichtung und Zuordnung wie Feng Shui, kann in’s Bewusstsein kommen, aber auch in das gemeinschaftliche Unbewusste, in das wir alle kritischen und schwierigen Themen verschieben wollen, wie Krankheiten, Krieg, Streit, Sterben … Aktuell gab es neue Forschungen, die eine gesunde Ausstrahlung viel besuchter Orte und sogar von Friedhöfen nachgewiesen haben, denn unser Biom lebt vom gesunden Austausch, die Depression oft von der Abtrennung.   DIE GEISTER VERSAMMELN 68 Jahre nach Beginn der Zwangsumsiedlungen am 9. Februar 1955: Gathering the Ghosts ist das diesjährige Thema des Sophiatown Arts Festival, einem einzigartigen, von der Community kuratierten Festival – veranstaltet im Sophiatown „The Mix“ 10. – 12. Februar 2023 Für 2023 bitten wir alle unsere Mitwirkenden, sich mit den Ghosts of Sophiatown zu verbinden, ihnen zuzuhören und gemeinsam etwas zu erschaffen. Begleiten Sie uns, während wir uns mit der Schönheit dieses einzigartigen Vororts, seinem Jazz, seiner Literatur und seinem Stil auseinandersetzen, um aktuelle Themen rund um Ausgrenzung, Zugang und Chancen zu verdeutlichen. Das jährliche Sophiatown Arts Festival ist für alle kostenlos. An drei Tagen werden wir mit Ihnen präsent sein: Ausstellungen, Konzerte, Kinderworkshops, Dokumentarfilme, Vintage-Modenschauen und mehr. Und es geht nicht nur darum, drei Tage lang in einer Gemeinschaft mit Geistern zu sein: Es geht darum, eine Gemeinschaft für die Zukunft aufzubauen. Trevor Huddleston Memorial Center 73 Toby Street und verschiedene Standorte im Vorort Sophiatown, Johannesburg, Südafrika. Read the full article
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franciscomaldo · 1 year ago
Inicia el #FestivalDeCineFineArts con la 3ra. Edición de #HechoEnRD √
Inició el Festival de Cine Fine Arts, el que en está edición del 2023 lleva a cabo la tercera edición de Hecho en RD. Ariel Feliciano, Marc Mejía, Félix Manuel Lora, Alfonso Quiñones y José Rafael Sosa, miembros del jurado del Festival de Cine Fine Arts: Hecho en RD. El Festival se realiza desde el 6 hasta el 14 de septiembre en 5 salas de Fine Arts Cinema Café at Novo Centro, en Santo Domingo,…
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silvaris · 3 years ago
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Magic Tollymore by Alfonso Salgueiro Lora
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10point-must · 5 years ago
Biggest Fights Occurring in South America?
I have no idea, but here is my list - let me know what I missed.
5. Miguel Lora UD Alberto Davila, November 15, 1986, Baranquilla, Colombia
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Undefeated Colombian Miguel “Happy” Lora beat Alberto Davila in the third defense of his WBC bantamweight title. Davila, a former WBC world title holder himself, was 53-7 going into the fight and had not lost since 1980. 50,000 people watched this massive fight and were not disappointed as Lora won by a wide decision in an entertaining bout.
The two would square off a second time in the US two years later, but Lora would win easily on the score cards again.
4. Eder Jofre KO Bernardo Caraballo, November 27, 1964, Bogota, Colombia
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46-0-3 WBC and WBA bantamweight title holder Eder Jofre of Brazil fought 39-0-1 Colombian legend Bernardo Caraballo in front of 32,000 in Bogota. Caraballo was the first Colombian to compete for a world title. However, Jofre would knock out Caraballo in the 7th round.
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Caraballo would fight until 1977, finishing his career 76-19-5, and a beloved figure in Columbia. The uncontacted Carabayo tribe was named after him, as was the Coliseo Bernardo Caraballo in Cartagena.
Jofre would finish his career 72-2-4 and was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame. Ring Magazine ranked him the 19th greatest fighter of the last 80 years in 2002, and their 85th hardest puncher.
full fight here:
3. Locche - Cervantes I & II
(a) Nicolino Locche UD Antonio Cervantes, December 11, 1971, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Argentine defensive master Nicoline Locche beat Colombian Antonio “Kid Pambele” Cervantes by UD  in Estadio Luna Park for the WBA super-lightweight title.
(b) Antonio Cervantes RTD Nicolino Locche, March 17, 1973, Maracay, Venezuela
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They would rematch two years later, after Locche had lost the belt to Alfonso Fraser and then Cervantes took the belt from him. They met in Maracay Venezuela and Locche was stopped on a cut after the 9th round (inflicted by Cervantes earlier in the fight). Cervantes was up on all three score cards at the time.  
Locche would take two years off after the fight. He would return in 1975 and win 7 more fights before retiring in 1976. He finished his career 117-4 and was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2003.
In total, Cervantes defended his belt 16 times before losing to Wilfredo Benitez in 1976. He was named in Ring Magazine’s 80 Best Fighters in the Last 80 years in 2002. He was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1988 and the Colombian boxing federation named him the Colombian Fighter of the Century.
2. Sergio Martinez UD Martin Murray, April 27, 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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WBC Middleweight champion (and ranked #4 pound-for-pound in the world) Sergio Martinez beat previously undefeated Martin Murray in a very close UD on a rainy night in Buenos Aires in front of 40,000 fans at Club Atletico Velez Sarsfield. Full fight here.
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It was the great Martinez’s last win. He would lose in an upset to Miguel Cotto 14 months later and retire. Martin Murray is still active and has gone 13-4 since this fight, scoring his best wins against Gabe Rosado and Max Bursak, and losing to a list of formidable opponents - Gennady Golovkin, Arthur Abraham, George Groves and Hassan N’Dam N’Jikam.
1. Carlos Monzon TKO Emile Griffith September 25, 1971, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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WBC and WBA Middleweight champion Carlos Monzon stopped all-time great Emile Griffith at Estadio Luna Park in front of 23,000. Both fighters entered the fight with staggering records - Monzon at 72-3-9 and Griffith at 70-11.
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The bout was stopped at 2:46 of the 14th round, with all three judges having Monzon comfortably ahead at the time of the stoppage. They would fight a second time in 1973 in Monaco - Monzon would again win, this time by UD.
Fight highlights here:
Monzon would finish his career 87-3-9, and is considered among the best boxers of all-time. He was chosen by Ring Magazine as the 11th greatest fighter of the last 80 years in 2002, and ranks as the best middleweight of all time. He was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1990. Monzon was an Argentine icon and paparazzi magnet before domestic violence - and his eventual murder of his wife - led to a prison sentence and deserved fall from grace.
Emile Griffith finished his career 92-24-2. He was voted the fighter of the year in 1963 and 1964, and was a world champion in three weight classes. He was listed as #33 on Ring Magazine’s 2002 Best 80 Fighters of the Last 80 Years. He was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1990.
Respect box.
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dwindledglow · 5 years ago
FULL NAME: lorena ayana torres. PREFERRED NAME: lorena. NICKNAME/S: lora and loren. DATE OF BIRTH: september 29th, 1998. GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis female & she/her. ORIENTATION: hetero. RELIGION: non-practicing christian. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: in a relationship with romeo mathers. OCCUPATION: full time university student and intern at a law firm. RESIDENCE: gramercy park, new york city.
HOMETOWN: ibiza, spain. NATIONALITY: spanish. ETHNIC BACKGROUND: spanish. LINGUISTICS: spanish which is her native language and english, french, portuguese, italian and latin in a fluent level. EDUCATION: she attended the university of oxford where she got a BA in history and, currently, she’s attending columbia’s university law school. CRIMINAL RECORD: clean. BIRTH ORDER: second. FATHER: iker arturo torres, born on april 26th, 1970 in valencia, spain where he still resides and works as an architect in his own architecture firm. MOTHER: clara maria torres, née gonzález, born on june 29th, 1970 in barcelona, spain, currently residing in valencia, spain and working as a marketing manager in her own management firm. SISTER/S: none. BROTHER/S: xabier alfonso torres, born on october 31st, 1993 in valencia, spain, currently residing in sagaponack, suffolk county and working as a neurologist. andres rodrigo torres, born on november 22nd, 2000 in valencia, spain where he still resides and studies. SIGNIFICANT OTHER: romeo mathers. CHILDREN: none so far. OTHER RELEVANT FAMILY: alexa marie torres, née bennett, xabier’s wife thus sister-in-law. diego rafael torres, xabier and alexa’s son, nephew. EX/ES: jordi martínez and lewis stewart. PETS: none so far.
HEIGHT: 5′6″ or 168 cm. WEIGHT: between 123 lbs or 55 kg and 129 lbs or 58.5 kg. BODY BUILD: two or three years ago, lorena was a rather slim girl with no accentuated curves and, pretty much, your classical supermodel shape. she has, since, put on some weight, not because she wished to do so but because her body seems to have gone through some changes. she’s still slim, she doesn’t have a particularly big bust - 32B - and she still has her toned tummy but her waist is now more accentuated and her thighs and bum have definitely grown considerably ever since.  EYE COLOR: brown, sometimes appearing to be deep brown, others appearing to be hazel, almost a green shade. EYESIGHT: she has myopia so she wears contacts on a daily basis. when she’s trying to rest her eyes and give it some away time from the contacts, she wears her glasses. HAIR COLOR & STYLE: she has dark brown, nearly black hair and she has never really bothered changing colors or messing with dyes of sorts because she’s scared to damage her hair. she doesn’t get wild with the styles either - generally, she wears her hair down and allows its natural wavy texture to shine through. if she’s meeting with clients, she’ll either straighten it or throw it in a sleek bun or updo. at home, when she’s just chilling, she sometimes throws it in a ponytail or wears it half up, half down. DOMINANT HAND: right. NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: her eyes, particularly their shape and specific shade of brown that sometimes can trick you into thinking they’re green. her pouty lips that she hated when she was a child but has since grown to love. her dark hair and her skin tone, how tan she naturally is which always ends up being brought up to attention.  SCARS AND MARKS: besides the occasional scar and mark that we all get, there’s nothing in particular. TATTOOS: she has a wunjo tattoo behind her right ear, a greek symbol, the rune, meant to symbolize joy and happiness. she has a micro, minimalistic lotus flower with watercolor — reference — tattooed on the inside of her left wrist, meant to represent that regardless of the toxicity and negativity that might surround her at times, she will always stay graceful and be as kind as she can be. along the outer side of her right foot, she has gotten the quote a menos que los dejes, something her older brother, xabier, used to tell her whenever she went to him, crying about the people putting her down and trying to demean her ; essentially, it’s a reminder that no one can bring her down unless she lets them. along the side, extending from her right hipbone to her bum, she has the quote those who fan your flames in cursive and white ink. lastly, on the back of her neck, she has the word headstrong in bold, uppercase font. PIERCINGS: she has her regular lobes pierced. VOICECLAIM: cindy kimberly. ACCENT & INTENSITY: between the years in england and the time in new york, lorena has almost completely lost her accent. when she’s speaking spanish, you can tell she’s a native, but when she switches to english, that fades away and you can’t decipher whether english is or isn’t her primary language. ALLERGIES: none that she’s aware of. PHOBIAS & FEARS: though she would never admit it and would say she has no fears, solitude. MENTAL & PHYSICAL ILLNESSES: none so far. ALCOHOL USE: sometimes. SMOKING: no, she doesn’t smoke. NARCOTICS USE: she used to do weed when she needed to unwind but she hasn’t done it for a while. INDULGENT FOOD: sometimes, when she’s stressed out mainly. SPLURGE SPENDING: it doesn’t happen, she’s very careful with her money. GAMBLING: no, never.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: reading. FAVORITE ANIMAL: butterfly. FAVORITE BOOK: rising strong by brené brown as nonfiction and, perhaps, a little life by hanya yanigihara as fiction. FAVORITE COLOR/S: deep red. FAVORITE CUISINE: spanish. FAVORITE DISH/ES: fideuà, gazpacho, spanish tortilla and churros. FAVORITE DRINK/S: sangria, rosé wine, limeade and orxata. FAVORITE FLOWER/S: red roses, red carnation and white daisies. FAVORITE GEM: moonstone. FAVORITE MOVIE: pulp fiction by quentin tarantino. FAVORITE SONG: truth is ( the spanish version ) by sabrina claudio. FAVORITE SCENT/S: the scent of nail polish, lime and strawberries. FAVORITE SHOW/S: vis a vis, how to get away with murder, suits, scandal and élite. FAVORITE SPORT/S & TEAM THEY SUPPORT: soccer, she supports valencia cf and tottenham hotspur fc. FAVORITE SEASON OF THE YEAR: summer. VACATION DESTINATION: tokyo, japan or kauai, hawaii.
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european-royalties · 4 years ago
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05.13.2021 🇱🇺 The Grand-Ducal Couple attended the concert of the singer 🇨🇮Dobet Gnahoré reunited again with G. Waltzing & the Orchestra @PhilharmonieLux. A performance that rekindled the emotions felt by LL.AA.RR. during the SSRUP gala evening. © MGD / S. Margue-Alfonso Salgueiro Lora #LuxembourgRoyalFamily #LuxembourgRoyals #GrandDuke #GrandDukeHenri #GrandDuchess #GrandDucale #courgrandducale #Monarchy #EuropeanRoyalties https://www.instagram.com/p/COzsCesnnks/?igshid=3zy6lfs2gnj9
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bookolica · 5 years ago
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Libros galardonados en el Premio Fundación Cuatrogatos 2020
La Fundación Cuatrogatos, una organización sin fines de lucro creada en Miami por los escritores Sergio Andricaín y Antonio Orlando Rodríguez para trabajar a favor de la cultura y la educación, selecciona cada año los veinte mejores títulos publicados el año interior en lengua española por editoriales de Iberoamérica y Estados Unidos. Su objetivo es contribuir a la difusión y la lectura de libros de alta calidad creados por escritores e ilustradores iberoamericanos.
Cada año, después de leer, analizar y discutir una amplia y representativa muestra de libros de ficción, provenientes de pequeñas y grandes editoriales de cualquier país del mundo, un comité realiza la selección de los títulos ganadores. En esta ocasión se tomaron en cuenta alrededor de 1500 libros publicados por 171 editoriales de 20 países. En la edición de 2020, los veinte libros ganadores provienen de diecinueve editoriales con sede en siete países. Cuatro de las editoriales ganadoras reciben el galardón por primera vez.
Las veinte obras ganadoras tienen notables valores literarios y plásticos que, a juicio de los organizadores, merecen tener la mayor difusión. Al otorgarles este reconocimiento, Cuatrogatos quiere contribuir a que lleguen al mayor número posible de hogares, escuelas, bibliotecas y otros espacios donde se propicia el encuentro de los jóvenes lectores con los libros.
Los premios fueron escogidos por un equipo de profesionales de formación multidisciplinaria que buscó calidad estética y propuestas inteligentes, que diviertan, que conmuevan, que inquieten, que hagan pensar. Los encargados de realizar la selección destacaron libros que les gustaría que otras muchas personas pudieran conocer, leer y recomendar.
La imagen gráfica que identifica el premio de este año fue creada por el argentino Diego Bianki.
En este enlace puedes descargar en PDF el folleto digital con los libros ganadores y finalistas, además de un listado con cien recomendados.
Nosotros destacamos aquí, en orden alfabético de títulos, los 20 libros ganadores, con un extracto de la valoración del jurado de estos premios:
¡A la luna, a las dos y a las tres! Nieves García García Ilustraciones de Noemí Villamuza Pontevedra: Kalandraka Editora, 2019
«Libro de versos que bebe de los motivos de la lírica infantil de la tradición popular y los enriquece con delicados o regocijantes aportes personales».
La bufanda roja Nicolás Schuff Ilustraciones de Mariana Ruiz Johnson Alagón, Zaragoza: Apila Ediciones, 2019
«Poética propuesta que, revisitando estructuras de la tradición oral, invita al descubrimiento y la maravilla».
La caimana María Eugenia Manrique Ilustraciones de Ramón París Barcelona: Ediciones Ekaré, 2019
«Con un pueblo de los llanos de Venezuela como escenario, esta historia de la vida real nos acerca, mediante atractivos personajes y situaciones sorprendentes, al inagotable tema de la amistad entre los seres humanos y los animales».
¡Crack! Beatriz Giménez de Ory Ilustraciones de Paloma Valdivia Santiago de Chile: Ediciones Liebre, 2018
«Encantador libro que conjuga el verso, la ilustración y la técnica del pop-up para situarnos con originalidad ante ese eterno misterio y fuente de vida que es el huevo».
Donde nadie oye mi voz Juan Carlos Quezadas Ilustraciones de Richard Zela Ciudad de México: Editorial Norma, 2019
«Esta novela actualiza un viejo tema literario para abordar cuestiones que han desvelado al hombre desde tiempos remotos: la muerte, el sentido de la vida, la responsabilidad por los otros…»
Los fantasmas de Fernando Jaime Alfonso Sandoval Ilustraciones de Roger Ycaza Ciudad de México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2018
«Novela juvenil de impecable estructura, sostenido ritmo y lenguaje contemporáneo, que explora el antagonismo y la reconciliación familiar, y que difumina las fronteras entre lo real y lo fantástico».
La joven maestra y la gran serpiente Irene Vasco Ilustraciones de Juan Palomino Barcelona: Editorial Juventud, 2019
«Homenaje a los educadores, a los libros y a la sabiduría y las tradiciones populares».
Kitsunebi, fuego del zorro Martha Riva Palacio Obón Ilustraciones de Sólin Sekkur Ciudad de México: Ediciones Castillo, 2019
«Siete antiguas historias populares del Japón, recreadas a través de un exquisito ejercicio narrativo y rematadas por sugestivos haikus».
Ninfa rota Alfredo Gómez Cerdá Madrid: Anaya, 2019
«Marina, una chica de hoy, protagoniza una historia de amor que comienza como una luminosa relación y que rápidamente se desvía por cauces sinuosos y oscuros».
¡No, tú no! Fanuel Hanán Díaz Ilustraciones de Luis Lestón Ciudad de México: Ediciones Tecolote, 2018
«Atractiva invitación a oler mal, a tener cuernos y ser salvaje: a valorar la espontaneidad más allá de ritos sociales y estereotipos»,
Los pájaros que volaron del cuadro Sergio Ramírez Ilustraciones de Núria Feijoó Managua: Libros para Niños, 2019
«Regocijante relato en el que los pájaros que una pintora ha plasmado en un lienzo deciden escapar, con un gracioso e impertinente güis como cabecilla, en busca de frutas que no sepan a aceite y trementina».
El paseo Pablo Lugones Ilustraciones de Alexandre Rampazo Buenos Aires: Quipu, 2019
«Parábola de lograda sencillez y transparencia, en la que el texto literario se integra a las imágenes visuales para hablarnos de la existencia humana entendida como un camino que recorremos».
Pitchipoï Jacqueline Goldberg Ilustraciones de Juan David Quintero Arenas Medellín: Tragaluz editores, 2019
«Hermoso texto que, a partir de un recuerdo de infancia, sitúa al lector ante una dolorosa tragedia de la humanidad».
El precio de un ángel de cobre Marta Cerviño Ilustraciones de Núria Tamarit Madrid: Ediciones SM, 2019
«Con exquisita belleza formal y notable caudal fabulativo, la obra recrea el espíritu de las historias populares y propone una valiosa opción de literatura para adolescentes».
El secreto Daniel Nesquens Ilustraciones de Miren Asiain Lora Madrid: Ediciones SM, 2019
«Hermosa fábula acerca de la libertad como necesidad primaria para todas las criaturas del universo, sobre la importancia de la amistad y la posibilidad de hacer realidad los sueños a pesar de difíciles obstáculos que puedan presentarse».
El secreto del paraguas rojo Susana Aliano Casales Ilustraciones de Ana Seixas Montevideo: ¡Más Pimienta!, 2018
«El pequeño universo de una niña, expuesto con delicadeza y armonía, sirve de marco a una historia mínima que nos habla de curiosidad y pequeños enigmas, de descubrimientos llamados a perdurar en el recuerdo».
Soñar no cuesta nada Alberto Montt Santiago de Chile: Beascoa, Penguin Random House, 2018
«Un simpático héroe, una situación narrativa concisa y de gran efectividad y un tratamiento visual con un manejo del color muy atractivo, dan como resultado esta ingeniosa y refrescante apuesta por el humor».
Un amigo inesperado Santiago González Sevilla: Tres Tigres Tristes, 2018
«Deliciosa fábula que invita, con originalidad, a reflexionar sobre los misteriosos caminos de la amistad y los afectos y acerca de los sorpresivos giros que nos propone la vida».
Un gorrión en mis manos Mónica Rodríguez Santa Marta de Tormes, Salamanca: Lóguez Ediciones, 2019
«Novela sutil y agridulce sobre el nacimiento de un amor, los prejuicios y el dolor por lo no hecho».
Un secreto Alejandro Palomas Barcelona: Destino, 2019
«Historia de conmovedor humanismo, que nos hace devorar una página tras otra por la intensidad del relato, la complejidad de las relaciones entre los personajes y el manejo de la tensión drámatica y el suspenso».
El folleto digital del Premio Fundación Cuatrogatos 2020 incluye reseñas de los 20 libros ganadores, la relación de los finalistas y una selección de 100 libros recomendados por la institución.
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White Ravens 2019
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scotianostra · 8 years ago
Good Morning from Scotland
The beauty of Assynt by Alfonso Salgueiro Lora Via Flickr: I went on a short trip to Assynt, in the Northwest Highlands of Scotland and came back very impressed with the beauty of this place. We had very bright and warm weather over the entire weekend and had to resort to early morning or late evening light to avoid the harsh conditions during the day. I did not expect this kind of weather in Scotland and actually came back with a tan!!!! Just as well I can show the images I made so everyone can believe I didn't go to the beach instead. We went for sunrise along Loch Lurgainn to get the views of the lit mountains behind and it proved to be a magical morning. Website ⎢Facebook
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avalon1982 · 8 years ago
ILLUSION / Fashion Film by Esteban Quintero from Esteban Quintero on Vimeo.
I L L U S I O N / Fashion Film 2016
More about the project: spark.adobe.com/page/cyZVZAXj5IdKN/
DIRECTOR: Esteban Quintero EXCECUTIVE PRODUCER: Juan Camilo Castañeda ASSISTANT OF DIRECTION: María Sánchez DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY: Cristian Alfonso ART DIRECTION: Esteban Quintero
MODELS: Laura Bayona / Venus Of Night / Valentina Estupiñan/ Camila Gómez / Jeison Lora / Carlos Basto /
CLOTHES: Christian Colorado / Frater Project / Gang / Le’ Zapatiere / Scissors Killer / HAIR AND MAKEUP: iam.mariam.mua
EDITED BY: María Sánchez / Esteban Quintero SOUND DESIGN: Mauricio Quintero COLOR BY: Sebastián Parra
PRODUCTION MANAGER: Mayra Cristancho ART PRODUCTION: Maria Alejandra Mayorga FIELD PRODUCTION: Johana Salazar
PRODUCED BY: Daniela Aponte / Esteban Quintero / Johana Salazar / Juan Camilo Castañeda / Katia Castellanos / Maria Alejandra Mayorga / María Sánchez / Mayra Cristancho /
PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Daniela Aponte / Katia Castellanos SCRIPT: Paula Sandoval GRIPS: Johana Salazar / Juan Camilo Castañeda FX: María Sánchez GRAPHIC DESIGN: Katia Castellanos / Maria Alejandra Mayorga
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cinedominicano · 6 years ago
Críticos y periodistas cinematográficos dominicanos crean ADOPRESCI
Críticos y periodistas cinematográficos dominicanos crean ADOPRESCI
La Asociación Dominicana de Prensa y Critica Cinematográfica (ADOPRESCI), que aspira a reunir a lo mejor de quienes se dedican en el país al análisis y promoción de obras para el cine, acaba de ser formada oficialmente, en el marco del recién finalizado Festival de Cine Global Dominicano, el pasado 5 de febrero.
La reunión fundacional tuvo lugar meses después de un primer encuentro organizativo,…
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kansascityhappenings · 6 years ago
New Jersey mom beaten unconscious by school bully who threatened her son, prosecutors say
PASSAIC, N.J. — A 13-year-old boy was arrested after allegedly assaulting a mother and her son in New Jersey last week.
It happened on June 19 after 3 p.m. on Lexington Avenue near Monroe Street in Passaic.
Beronica Ruiz was pushing her 1-year-old in a stroller, walking home from school with her 12-year-old and 8-year-old sons when they realized they were being followed by a group of three boys.
“My life changed in one second,” said Ruiz, “Because now I don’t feel safe in any place.”
Her right eye is bloodshot. Her eye socket, fractured and bruised, after a punch to the face by an alleged bully who first targeted her 12-year-old son.
Ruiz suffered a concussion and can’t remember the attack. But her children witnessed it all.
“She was unconscious with my baby in the stroller,” said Alfonso Vasquez, Ruiz’s husband. Their 12-year-old son was also struck in the face.
The attack stemmed from an argument on June 18 in the lunchroom at Passaic Gifted and Talented Academy Public School No. 20.
“These kid were telling the Mexicans that all the Mexicans should be behind the wall,” said Vasquez. “My son told them what are you talking about? We are all immigrants.”
His son was allegedly threatened with violence and sought help from a teacher.
He was then placed in a separate room or an office for the rest of the school day for his own protection, according to WPIX. His parents went to talk to school administrators, who did not call Ruiz and her husband about the incident in school that day. Ruiz and Vasquez say the vice principal apologized to them for not notifying them about the incident but stated the situation was under control.
Ruiz said she and her son were attacked later that day.
While she was in the hospital, the alleged bully was still allowed to attend school, according to the family.
“We send our kids to school with the intention they will be safe,” said the family’s attorney, Daniel Santiago. “What’s appalling about that is the school was aware of the incident.”
The 13-year-old alleged attacker has been charged with assault and released to his parents, but the family feels this was more than just a simple assault – it was a hate crime.
“Because this all started because of those words,” said Vasquez. “They hate us because we are Mexican.”
The Passaic County Prosecutors Office is handling the investigation.
“This is the face of racism. This is the face of hatred in America,” said Santiago.
A spokesman for the school district said they can’t comment on student matters.
Passaic mayor, Hector C. Lora told WPIX in a statement that he has met with local authorities and the school administration:
“As both a father and a husband I am outraged over this incident as Mayor these are things you wish would never occur in your city or anywhere. This incident is being taken extremely seriously I have met with and spoken personally with the family, I have met with my Chief of Police, local officials and school administration as well as board members to make sure there is accountability and that this family receives justice as well as any help and resources we can provide. The details regarding what led up to this incident remain under investigation however one thing is very clear what occurred to this mother is unacceptable and whatever we need to do as a city, as a community to do better by our families and our children we will do.”
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/06/26/mom-beaten-unconscious-by-school-bully-who-threatened-her-son-prosecutors-say/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/06/26/new-jersey-mom-beaten-unconscious-by-school-bully-who-threatened-her-son-prosecutors-say/
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daparjs-blog · 6 years ago
Insights of LoRa
Thursday November 22, 2018 is the day for the Innovation Forum & Roundtable Discussion Program held at Limketkai Luxe Hotel. Successfull innovators, starups, students and faculty of USTP are gathered for this event. Filled with joy that we might acquire new knowledge in the field of technology which may apply to our project, me and teammates gracefully listens to each speakers in the forum.
Director Alfonso P. Alamban director of Department of Science and Technology Region 10 is the keynote speaker of the forum. He discuss how vital science, technology and innovation to the competitiveness and the economic growth of a country. With his prepared detailed powerpoint presentation people were able to understand how DOST works and supports for the success of the country.
Mr. Gabriel Blaza head of the strategy from AC Industrial Technology Holdings Inc gives us an inspiring message on how he was able to manage and maintain the success of Ayala Corporation which he works for more than decades. In his talk, he stated that “Mayroon kaming karapatan manalo” which claims that Ayala Corporation overcomes its problems with the company’s effort to survive. With keen decisions, Mr Blaza keeps the stability of Ayala  Corporation and defeat other competitors in the battle of survival in which only the strong survives.
Mr Augusto Zes Martinez III COO of Futuristic Aviation & Maritime Interprice Inc (FAME) cathes our teams attention. Mr Martinez shows us how they were able to develop various solutions to the people in agriculture and fisheries to make their life easier. Farmers can now monitor the soil moisture of their farm and fishermen can monitor the temperature of their fish without a direct contact with them. FAME uses sensors to solve their problems. The sensors transmit data to the platform database without using internet or cellphone signal, it uses a long range  frequency also known as LoRa. With LoRa, data can be transmitted freely in a maximum radius of 30km without being destroyed. By that, my team is now interested to apply Lora technology for our future projects.
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robertoercolese-blog · 7 years ago
Frosinone-Cittadella 1-1: GOL e HIGHLIGHTS. Kouame risponde a Gori. Longo in finale con il Palermo
Frosinone-Cittadella 1-1: GOL e HIGHLIGHTS. Kouame risponde a Gori. Longo in finale con il Palermo
47′ Gori, 74′ Kouame
Frosinone (3-5-2): Vigorito; Terranova, Krajnc, M. Ciofani; Matarese (84′ Frara) , Soddimo (68′ Kone), Gori, Chibsah, Crivello; Dionisi (70′ Citro), Ciano.
Cittadella (4-3-1-2): Alfonso, Salvi, Adorni Varnier, Benedetti; Bartolomei, Iori, Lora (59′ Chiaretti); Schenetti (70′ Arrighini); Vido, Strizzolo (54′ Kouame).
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